Nam Can Tho University Integrates Education on Sustainable Development into Its Training Programs

Sustainable development is the top goal of the world, especially developing countries like Vietnam. The United Nations’ sustainable development goals are given priority by the Vietnamese Government in its national development strategy. In particular, the education sector also plays an important role in promoting the implementation of activities aimed at sustainable development. Following that orientation, Nam Can Tho University is one of the leading educational institutions in integrating education on sustainable development into training programs at school.

First, Nam Can Tho University offers undergraduate programs directly related to the environment and resources such as Resource and Environmental Management, Land Management. In the entire training program of these majors, sustainable development goals are always integrated and implemented in basic subjects and specialized subjects. In addition, lecturers and students of these majors regularly carry out propaganda and advocacy activities as well as waste recycling activities and propose many solutions based on scientific research topics, scientific report topics. Specifically, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day (June 5, 1972 – June 5, 2022), on the morning of June 11, 2022, at Nam Can Tho University, the program to exchange waste for gifts “For a Green Earth” was organized by the Sub-department of Environmental Protection, Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Can Tho City in coordination with the Faculty of Architecture, Construction, and Environmental Studies, Youth Union – Student Association of Nam Can Tho University. The form of “Exchange waste for gifts” has the main goal of raising awareness to promote waste collection, especially hazardous waste including batteries, bottles containing chemicals, and damaged electrical equipment….etc. Gifts were fabric bags that could be reused many times. This is also a solution to help reduce waste and gradually change the daily habit of using nylon wrap. Through the program, the School calls on us to build a sustainable lifestyle in harmony with nature; rationally use resources, maintain biodiversity and respond to climate change through policies aimed at a greener, cleaner lifestyle. On the other hand, the “Beautiful Garbage” Project of a group of students majoring in Resource and Environmental Management recycles waste such as nylon wrap and office papers into handmade products. The group’s activities not only bring benefits to the environment, perform communication tasks, call for community attention and raise awareness of environmental protection, but also bring economic benefits to students.

A group of students majoring in Resource and Environmental Management displayed recycled products at the conference to communicate environmental protection to the community towards the goal of sustainable development.
A group of students majoring in Resource and Environmental Management displayed recycled products at the conference to communicate environmental protection to the community towards the goal of sustainable development.

In addition, Nam Can Tho University has also included content on environmental protection and sustainable development into subjects in the training program of different majors such as Public Relations, Food Technology, Automobile technology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Tourism Service and Travel Management, English Language… In the teaching content, students acquire knowledge about natural resources and the environment, analyze the current status as well as harmful effects of activities that pollute the environment, thereby proposing solutions to help guide sustainable development.

Specifically regarding actions, waste collection and treatment, especially plastic waste, is an important activity that needs to be carried out urgently. Therefore, the School sent students to support the project “For a trash-free river” of GreenHUB Organization. The project is implemented in two areas: Con Son and Cai Rang Floating Market. Every 2 weeks, students cooperate with the local community to collect trash together on roads and riverside routes. As a result, a lot of waste has been collected, contributing to protecting the underwater ecosystem, helping organisms have a less polluted habitat, and helping to preserve biodiversity.

From the knowledge and skills they have learned about environmental protection towards sustainable development, the group of DNC students with other majors has organized many practical activities to contribute to promoting this goal such as Recycled Fashion Contest, “Old book pages – New horizons” Festival, Green Sunday,…

(Some images of environmental protection communication activities for the community towards sustainable development goals of DNC students)

On the other hand, Nam Can Tho University’s research orientation always focuses on resources and the environment. The School has organized seminars with focused topics on responding to climate change and sustainable development. Specifically, the International Scientific Conference “Industrial Revolution 4.0 – Application to Sustainable Economic Development, Adaptation to Climate Change” ( ), International Conference “Expanding Forms of Connection to Develop Sustainable Tourism to Adapt to Climate Change, 4.0 Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence” ( /lien-ket-phat-trien-tourism-thich-ung-voi-bien-when-hau-trong-thoi-dai-moi-7306433.html ), Scientific conference with the theme “Completing Environmental Policies And Laws to Adapt to Climate Change”,… Besides, the School also creates favorable conditions for officials and lecturers to participate in related seminars and trainings outside the school related to resources and environment in the direction of sustainable development.

From the above content, it can be seen that Nam Can Tho University has done activities integrating sustainable development education into training programs very well, not only for majors directly related to natural resources and environment, but also for many different majors. With the motto “Learning goes hand in hand with practice”, DNC students have raised awareness and performed practical activities on sustainable development goals in the school as well as community service activities well.

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