Nam Can Tho University hosted a Workshop on “Measuring and Evaluating Learning Outcomes for Courses and Training Programs”

On July 4, 2023, Nam Can Tho University hosted a workshop entitled “Measuring and Evaluating Learning Outcomes for Courses and Training Programs.” The event featured Associate Professor Dr. Le Van Hao, a renowned expert in the field of educational quality assurance in Vietnam.

Hội thảo “Đo lường và đánh giá mức độ đáp ứng chuẩn đầu ra học phần và chương trình đào tạo”

The workshop was held both in-person at Hall E2 of Nam Can Tho University and online via Zoom. We were delighted to welcome lecturers from various universities in Can Tho City, as well as all leaders, lecturers, and staff of Nam Can Tho University, to the event.

Dr. Le Van Hao, Associate Professor, the expert in higher education quality in Vietnam, with many years of experience in higher education quality assurance and collaboration with both domestic and international educational quality assurance organizations, shared valuable experiences with all attendees. Quality assurance specialists from various universities in Can Tho City also shared their difficulties and advantages in evaluating the achievement levels of learning outcomes for courses and training programs in their institutions.

During the workshop, participants shared and discussed their experiences with different approaches to assessing learning activities. They categorized evaluation methods for achieving learning outcomes, utilized measurement techniques to evaluate the success of course and training program outcomes, and created a variety of rubrics for learning assessment, including Analytical Rubrics, Holistic Rubrics, General Rubrics, and Task-specific Rubrics.

Các giảng viên, nhân viên cũng như lãnh đạo nhà trường cũng đã có những thảo luận, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm thực tế
In addition, lecturers, staff, and university leaders actively discussed and shared their experiences on specific training topics, such as curriculum development and assessment strategies. They set training objectives, established program learning outcomes (PLOs) and performance indicators (PIs) for each PLO, and determined course learning outcomes (CLOs) to ensure alignment with the PLOs. From there, they were able to ensure that the CLOs met the objectives of the program learning outcomes.

Buổi hội thảo là một trong số rất nhiều hoạt động nhằm nâng cao chất lượng giảng dạy

The leaders of Nam Can Tho University, especially Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung, Chairman of the University Council, Dr. Nguyen Van Quang, University Rector, and Dr. Tran Thi Thuy, Vice Rector, have always been committed to ensuring training quality by focusing on training and fostering the faculty and staff. The workshop is one of many activities aimed at enhancing teaching quality and learning assessment, providing learning opportunities for both lecturers and students at the university.

Over the past 10 years, Nam Can Tho University has established itself as a leading institution in the Mekong Delta region, with a strong focus on educational quality. This is evident through its achievement of second cycle accreditation and a 4-star ranking in the UPM benchmarking system. The university has consistently proven its reliability in training and developing human resources not only in the Mekong Delta, but also across the country.

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