Department of Sustainable Development


Members of the Sustainable Development Board of Nam Can Tho University (from left to right) include:

  1. Nguyen Van A (Head of Board)
  2. Nguyen Van B (Deputy Head of Board)
  3. Ly Thi (Member)
  4. Ly Thi (Member)
  5. Ly Thi (Member)

1. Functions

  1. Function of scientific research and application of research results:

The institute has the function of conducting basic scientific research in the field of sustainable development and related areas, publishing research results in prestigious national and international scientific journals, and applying the research results in practice.

  1. Consulting function:

The institute has the function of providing consultancy on strategies, policies, and programs related to sustainable development and other related issues for the Party, the State, management agencies, businesses, and other organizations.

  1. Training and development function:

The institute implements training programs as assigned by the University and conducts additional training courses according to societal needs.

  1. Knowledge sharing and community development function:

The institute collaborates and partners with organizations and individuals both domestically and internationally to share new knowledge and raise community awareness on sustainable development and related issues.

2. Responsibilities

Responsibilities regarding scientific research and the application of research results

  1. Based on the University’s strategy, formulate the institute’s development strategy to gradually improve research quality and the institute’s reputation;
  2. Conduct theoretical and policy reviews, and management mechanisms to assist the University in advising government agencies on formulating and enacting sustainable development policies;
  3. Exploit and execute scientific research projects aimed at international publications, contributing to strengthening the research orientation and enhancing the University’s domestic and international standing;
  4. Conduct scientific research projects to provide policy, management, and business recommendations focused on innovation for sustainable development;
  5. Advise and represent the University in building and forming perspectives and theories on sustainable development suited to Vietnam’s specific conditions;
  6. Carry out the University’s key scientific research projects and publications to affirm the University’s scientific reputation;
  7. Become a center for gathering and mobilizing scientists from both within and outside the University to conduct research and publish works domestically and internationally;
  8. Collaborate with international universities and research institutes to carry out scientific research projects on sustainable development;
  9. Summarize experiences and sustainable development models from other countries and apply them to Vietnam’s practical conditions;
  10. Develop and implement sustainable development strategies at the national, regional, local, provincial, and city levels;
  11. Develop sustainable development strategies for various sectors;
  12. Develop strategies and propose sustainable business development solutions for enterprises;
  13. Apply theoretical and practical research results to the University’s training activities, enhancing its training quality.

Responsibilities regarding consultancy:

  1. Provide consultancy to the Party, the State, and management agencies at all levels on strategies and policies for sustainable development;
  2. Participate in evaluating and appraising development projects in related fields when required;
  3. Provide consultancy to businesses and public service organizations on formulating strategies and sustainable development solutions.

Responsibilities regarding training and development:

  1. Organize and manage training according to current regulations and the University’s assignments;
  2. Organize and implement training courses for organizations and individuals as needed;
  3. Provide training and transfer scientific research results to sectors, localities, and enterprises for practical application;
  4. Organize activities to enhance the scientific research capacity of lecturers inside and outside the University in line with international integration.

Responsibilities regarding knowledge sharing and community development:

  1. Organize national and international seminars and discussions to provide new information and resources on sustainable development in Vietnam and abroad;
  2. Provide training on scientific research methods and experience for the University’s staff and others as required.

Other responsibilities:

  1. Organize, manage, and maintain the institute’s scientific resources according to current regulations, ensuring they meet the requirements of domestic and international partners;
  2. Manage the institute’s staff, finances, and assets according to the University’s working regulations and the current laws;
  3. Perform other tasks assigned by the Rector.